Meet TOM
Teaching Online Masterclass
TOM is a free online professional development resource for teachers making the leap into remote teaching and learning.
TOM is produced by Makematic and made possible with the generous support of Participate, Adobe, iCivics and Clickview.

Pedagogy Comes First
Teaching online is about more than just the technology. Of course it’s important to know your Zooms from your Google Classrooms, but the way you plan your lessons, manage your class and engage with your students is different online too.
Using video interviews from classroom educators, academics and industry professionals you’ll learn how to start teaching online the right way.
Commercial Use
TOM is free for teachers to use and share with colleagues. However, if you would like to use TOM as a school or district-wide initiative – or for commercial purposes – you may need a commercial license.
If you’d like to explore options with us, or have any questions about how you can use TOM videos, drop us a line and we’ll be happy to discuss.